Response from Iain Torrance

I truly welcome A Common Word Between Us and You.

I do not perceive this as an attempt to be definitive. I believe it is deliberately written so as to direct us to common ground at the deepest level. It is a common word, a word which is familiar to Jews, Christians and Moslems. I believe it is a beginning. I believe it is a testimony to a generosity of spirit which Christians should acknowledge and receive with humility and much gratitude.

With the help of God, we can together build bridges, allay fears and permit an area for calm discussion and hope founded upon our love of God and for our neighbor.

Iain Torrance
President of Princeton Theological Seminary and Professor of Patristics;
former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (2003-4); Co-Chair of the International Dialogue between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Orthodox Church.