Madonna, Britney Spears, And Ayatollah Khamenei, The 1 Peaceblocker

The Arab League

Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. In the opening scene of The Godfather, set in the late summer of 1945, Don Vito Corleone’s daughter Connie weds, as Harry Truman nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In order to shield himself from the law, Don Corleone, named after Don Drysdale, delivers his “hit” orders through his consigliore Tom Hagen aka Robert Duvall. Until know, the true one all powerful leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been hiding behind his consigliore Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Now, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is speaking for himself.

Iran is the head of the snake and Hamas and Hezbollah are the arms and legs of the snake. Iran supplies rockets, weapons and money to Hamas and Hezbollah to conquer Israel and Lebanon. Once Ayatollah Ali Khamenei conquers Israel, he will have Israel’s nuclear arsenal and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and Iranian chants of “Death to America, Death to Israel” will be written on the side of each nuclear rocket raining down upon New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Crawford, Texas. The Ayatolllah doesn’t know that Laura Bush has picked out a new house in Dallas.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sees himself as John Ross Ewing, Jr. The time has come for the American Monday morning armchair Democratic and Republican quarterbacks to unite against their true enemy, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his hitmen, Ismail Haniyah and Hassan Nasrallah.

George W. Bush has been crucified by his own American people over the last several years. What did he do? President Bush went in and eliminated Satan Himself, Saddam Hussein. When the war began in 2003, a year and a half after 911, the American people were so behind the war that they boycotted the Dixie Chicks when Natalie Maines criticized President Bush. The critics railed that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Go tell that to the thousands of Kurds slaughtered by Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons. The only reason that Saddam did not have nuclear weapons was because in 1981 Menachem Begin blew up the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, outside of Baghdad.

Today, Iran, with their nuclear reactor outside of Bushehr, Iran, is only months away from having nuclear weapons. The nukes at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 50 kilotons. Modern nukes are 100 megatons and split into eight in mid air. Think kilobytes and megabytes. If you throw your boyfriend and your dog into the trunk of your car for an hour, after you release them, which one will still love you?

The media knows that sex and violence sell. The ratings for peace are extremely low. This is why you have no idea that over the past few years unbelievable strides have been made towards everlasting peace on earth. On Feb. 25, 2005, The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion was founded. Then last year Jordanian Prince Ghazi created the website “A Common Word Between You and Us, Love”. In the past year, the 22 country Arab League, from the western tip of Africa all the way to but not including Iran, Jordanian King Abdullah, Saudi King Abdullah, President Bush, Tzipi Livni and Pope Benedict XVI have hosted enormously successful world interfaith conferences in Madrid, Spain, the Vatican, Annapolis, MD, and just recently at the United Nations.

The only holdout, the one man who has blocked middle east peace, and the creation of the new country of Palestine, is the dictator of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. “A League of Their Own”, starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Rosie O’Donnell, Jon Lovitz and Madonna, is the story of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. The Ladies Professional Baseball League was created in 1943 when the United States was fighting Nazi Germany in World War II and the top stars of major league baseball, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams and Bob Feller were drated into the army, threatening the cancellation of baseball in the United States.

In the past few years, Madonna has changed her name to Ruth, and become heavily involved with the Jewish religion and Kabbalah. Britney Spears is an American mother of two. The Popular Resistance Committee is a Palestinian Gaza militant organization funded by Hezbollah, ie, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Yesterday Muhammad Abdel-Al, the senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committee terror organization said, “If I meet these whores I will have the honor I repeat, I will have the honor to be the first one to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam.”

The chances of Muhammad Abdel-Al now receiving backstages passes to Madonna’s Sticky and Sweet World Tour now seem remote. Are Madonna and Britney Spears now wishing they had never kissed? Mickey Rooney said that he went to the track the first time and lost five dollars, and he has now spent three million dollars trying to win it back. When Iran has nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles in the next few months, the Ayatollah plans to strap himself onto the first one aimed at ground zero.

The Ayatollah has not been told that God of Mount Sinai, aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, (the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam), the Holy Spirit, Yehovah and Allah carved in stone Himself, “Don’t Murder” “Otherwise I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren.” This is the covenant, the deal entered into by Moses, Jesus Christ, and the Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him on behalf of all Muslims, Christians and Jews. Ayatollah, as any Iranian lawyer will tell you, self defense, including pre-emptive strikes, are a complete defense to murder, including your trying to exterminate every Christian and Jew on earth.

If Ayatollah Ali Khamenei would simply suspend his uranium enrichment program and end his finacial and weapons support for Hamas and Hezbollah today, and stop firing rockets and new long range rockets into Israel, we would instantly have peace in the middle east and a new country of Palestine. It is unbelievable that in a world of 6 billion people, just one black hatted, black robed tallis wearing Santa Claus is tipping the fate of planet earth from everlasting peace on earth to nuclear world war III, the Apocalypse. Where is Tom Cruise when we need him? Ayatollah, you can spew your venomous hatred all over your own people, but you don’t mess with the mother of Christ!

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace, by tying everyone together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.